
525 Movie Reviews

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this is aswome, 5 days, you must have worked 5 straight days, the graphics are aswome and the style is aswome, (eskimobob like lol) and i liked the fight scenes with the health and everything, good work, looking forward to more episodes


at the end where you chose the winner, you could only select mario, and when luigi comes in and says mexico, thats mario saying to, lol, well very nice, i loved the sound when they jumped on each others head, lol, did you download likea mario sound pack or something??? becuase if you did, where, becuase mario sounds are aswome, anyway, great work 3/5


this is aswome!!! the fucking story is great, good work on that, and the graphics and animation are unbelevable!!! wow!! very nice style, i like how for the outlines of the objects you used a darker version of the color, added a very good realistic feel, i gotta try that, lol, well very very nice work, it was halarious when he just ate him, lol, and then the ghostbusters came, hahahaha, very very good work 5/5

nicely done

the graphics, and style, are aswome, thats like my favoite type, its pretty long to, the sounds, and music went good, and a half decent story line, good work


wow, this is aswome the graphics are so fucking good, and its FBF, man, you gotts make more of these, its so good, and the SOAD music at the end fit it perfect (and its a good song) good work

vandal1989 responds:

Yeah, glad u liked the music, but lots of other viewers are saying they thought the song wasn't good.. Screw them its a good song.


you stole the idea from some kids show i see my sister watching all the time, but it was pretty good, sound quality was good, but video quality wasnt the greatest, but it was kinda kool, a little longer would be good also.


i think its a tad over rated, like its sprites, and not that very good, but it would have took time, i know that, but 2.99??? like i think its a little overrated, but god job anyway

Get down on it..... Get DOWN on it... get down on it... GET THAT ON IT GET THAT ONIT SAID GET DOWN ON IT KICK THAT ON IT KICK DOWN ONIT WHEN ya gotta feel it. get DOWN on it

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